I am planning to rewrite a message queue, drawing on the architectural designs 
of Kafka and Pulsar. The main architecture is as follows: 

The entire system is designed with read-write separation. The message writing 
and replication process is very similar to Kafka, with leader and follower 
replicas handling replication. However, the system will only have a limited 
number of partitions, such as 10 or 20. All queue messages will be written into 
these few partitions, with several brokers sharing the load of writing and 
reading. Writes will be concentrated on one disk, with data also appended to a 
write cache for quick access by consumers. Reads will first attempt to fetch 
from the read cache, and if not found, then from the split partitions on 
/disk2. Each broker utilizes two disks, with /disk1 dedicated to writing and 
replication, and /disk2 serving as secondary storage. On /disk2, the 
concentrated writes to partitions are split and written into their respective 
physical queues for long-term storage. The splitting is done in the background, 
with checkpoints created periodically. Once messages are split, they are pruned 
from the write queue, which is rolled over based on time or size. The write 
queue is short-term storage for writing and primary-replica replication, while 
the read queue serves as long-term storage.

The system draws inspiration from Kafka for writing and replication, and from 
Pulsar for its read-write separation architecture. With years of experience 
using Kafka, I've noticed that an increase in partitions can lead to a rapid 
decline in the throughput of the entire cluster. Therefore, I have merged all 
the queues and written them in large blocks to a limited number of partitions, 
reducing the number of partitions within the cluster to improve the throughput 
of writing and replication. At the same time, I have increased the read and 
write cache to support the rapid reading of consumer messages, with secondary 
storage serving as long-term message persistence. The secondary storage, which 
does not affect the write process, is split and written to disk according to 
the actual partitions.

Considering the need to reduce memory leaks and the troubles of Java GC, the 
entire system is written in Rust language to lower the application's own 
footprint, freeing up a significant amount of memory for use as read cache and 
write cache. The project is currently in the design stage, and I sincerely ask 
everyone for some suggestions.

我准备重写一个message queue,借鉴kafka和pulsar的架构设计,主要架构如下图:
整个系统是读写分离的,消息的写入和复制与kafka很类似,leader 和 follower 


考虑到减少内存泄露和java gc的困扰,整个系统使用rust语言来编写,降低应用的本身的footprint,节省出大量内存来作为read 
cache和write cache来使用。

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