Hi all,
I'm exploring using the MirrorSourceConnector and MirrorCheckpointConnector
on Kafka Connect to setup active/active replication between two Kafka
clusters. Using the DefaultReplicationPolicy replication policy class,
messages originating from the source cluster get replicated as expected to
the cluster-prefixed topic in the target cluster. Consumergroup offsets
from the source to target cluster are replicated likewise. However, once
the consumer group migrates from the source to the target cluster, its
offsets are not replicated from the target back to the source cluster.
For an active/active setup I'd want consumer group offsets for topic
<source-cluster-alias>.<topic-name> in the target cluster to be replicated
back to <topic-name> in the source cluster. This would allow consumers to
failover & failback between clusters with minimal duplicate message

To clarify my setup a bit; I'm running two single-broker Kafka clusters in
Docker (cluster A & B), along with a single Connect instance on which I've
provisioned four source connectors:
- A MirrorSourceConnector replicating topics from cluster A to cluster B
- A MirrorSourceConnector replicating topics from cluster B to cluster A
- A MirrorCheckpointConnector translating & replicating offsets from
cluster A to cluster B
- A MirrorCheckpointConnector translating & replicating offsets from
cluster B to cluster A

I'm not sure whether this is by design, or maybe I'm missing something.
I've seen a similar question posted to KAFKA-9076 [1] without a resolution.



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