correcte missig thing.
You have to remove that topic from producer as well as consumer config

On Sun, 18 Feb 2024 at 2:49 PM, sunil chaudhari <>

> You have to remove that topic from consumer config.
> restart consumer.
> the wait for some time.
> Then delete topic.
> this time it wont create again.
> On Sun, 18 Feb 2024 at 1:07 PM, Abhishek Singla <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Team,
>> Kafka version: 2_2.12-2.6.0
>> Zookeeper version: 3.4.14
>> Java version: 1.8.0_301
>> Kafka Subscribe Pattern API is used to Subscribe to all topics matching
>> specified pattern to get dynamically assigned partitions. New topics of
>> specified pattern get created with time.
>> > KafkaConsumer<K, V> subscribe(Pattern pattern,
>> Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>
>> completionHandler);
>> The issue arises when we try to delete the topic. After the delete topic
>> command is issued, the topic is deleted successfully. However, it gets
>> auto-created again within 5 mins. Broker offsets are reset to zero, new
>> topic partitions could be on same broker nodes or different.
>> Below are some of the configs used:
>> *Server Configs:*
>> delete.topic.enable=true
>> auto.create.topics.enable: true
>> *Consumer Configs*
>> Could someone help us out in understanding what might be the root cause of
>> this issue?
>> Regards,
>> Abhishek Singla

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