Does anybody on the Kennel mailing list share my interest
in GSMA's M-Services inititative?

I found only 1 technical document on the web site:

Is this all of the documentation that is available from GSMA?

I found addtional M-servicies specifications at

 The documents at include:

 .. OPWV 101: WML extensions for Graphical User Interface

 .. OPWV 102: Download Fun Protocol

 .. OPWV 103: UAProf Details for Download Fun Objects

 .. OPWV 104: Fun Objects Naming Convention

 Are these documents available from GSMA?

 I do not want to download the documents from
because Openwave's licensing terms are unacceptable.

 Why has GSMA endorsed M-services but left control of the
specifications in the hands of Openwave?

The OpenWave license for the M-services technical specifications is
not acceptable. I object to the following language: "You are only
licensed to review this specification for evaluation purposes. [...]
Any use of this specification for other than evaluation purposes
shall be subject to and governed by the Openwave License Agreement
for this specification once entered into between you and Openwave
Systems Inc."

Why does Openwave try to force me to agree to a license that
restricts my use of the M-services specifications?

Open(?)wave - ?



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