> -----Original Message-----
> From: ilker Aktuna [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

> --- Oded Arbel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > From what I'm reading there :
> > <snip>
> > If there is no encoding declaration, then the input
> > has to be in either UTF-8 or UTF-16,
> > </snip>
> > 
> > Then there is no way to support your content w/o
> > seriously patching libxml2. not withstanding, of
> > course, the fact that libxml2 does not internally
> > support ISO-8859-9 - that problem is easy to solve
> > by compiling libxml2 with iconv (which may already
> > be so on your system).

> There should be a patch for this. Am I the only one
> who needs this ?

You may not be the only one who needs this functionality, but libxml2 will never (or 
rather - I think it should never) include the option of supporting non-stanard input, 
as it breaks implementation in other areas. 
You need to realize that what is broken and need fixing is the content which should 
support a certain standard in order to work (in this case WML which is based on XML 
IIRC), and since the content is not formatted correctly, it is not going to be 
accepted as valid input.

What you could do, maybe, is detect the encoding from the HTTP response and then 
insert an appropriate XML encoding tag into the content before sending it to libxml.

Oded Arbel
m-Wise mobile solutions

+972-9-9581711 (116)

University, n.:
        Like a software house, except the software's free, and it's
        usable, and it works, and if it breaks they'll quickly tell
        you how to fix it, and ...

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