
  well I got the CIMD2 Interface running by uncommenting a line
  in the sourcecode, which takes the TimeStamp instead for leaving
  it NULL, because we need the Timestamp to compare it to the entries
  in the Database (or Internal Storage).

  In the file /gw/smsc/smsc_cimd2.c (Line 1543) swap the commented and the uncommented 
line to
  get it working. Then You see it will get the right DLR and find the
  right Row in the Database, it will give You the status it wants to
  send out a HTTP request (Like created DLR message for URL 
  but then I am stuck with my problem :)


/* Tom Changes Start */
    reply = cimd2_get_packet(smsc,ts);

    /* reply = cimd2_get_packet(smsc, NULL); */
/* Tom Changes End */
    if (!reply)
        goto io_error;

    errorcode = packet_display_error(reply);

  Hope it wokrs

  Greetings, Tom

-----Original Message-----
From: lde [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, 04 February 2003 08:58
To: Tom Weber
Subject: Re: CIMD2 - DLR ?

Hi Tom,

I had the same problem with my cimd2 connection. Both internal and mysql
storeage didn`t work for me with "no rows found" and "DLR not found..."

How did you manage to get mysql storeage running ?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Weber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 10:54 PM
Subject: CIMD2 - DLR ?

> Hi again,
>   I managed to get the DLR running for CIMD2, but now the smsbox kills
>   if it gets the order to open the dlrurl to submit the DLR.
>   Here both outputs (Bearer&SMS-box):
> BearerBox Output:
>   DEBUG: smscconn_sender (CIMD2:<IP ADDR>:<PORT>:<USER>): sending message
>   DEBUG: CIMD2 sending message.  Text:
>   DEBUG: Octet string at 0x8126680:
>   DEBUG:   len:  3
>   DEBUG:   size: 4
>   DEBUG:   immutable: 0
>   DEBUG:   data: 62 6c 61                  bla
>   DEBUG: Octet string dump ends.
>   DEBUG: After CIMD2 encoding:
>   DEBUG: Octet string at 0x8126680:
>   DEBUG:   len:  3
>   DEBUG:   size: 4
>   DEBUG:   immutable: 0
>   DEBUG:   data: 62 6c 61                  bla
>   DEBUG: Octet string dump ends.
>   DEBUG: Adding DLR smsc=CIMD2:<IP ADDR>:<PORT>:<USER>, ts=030203224454,
src=234, dst=<PHONE>, mask=31
>   DEBUG: sql: INSERT INTO dlr (smsc, ts, source, destination, service,
url, mask, boxcid, status) VALUES ('CIMD2:<IP
> ADDR>:<PORT>:<USER>', '030203224454', '234', '<PHONE', '234',
'http://hostname/blabla?res=%d', '31', '(null)', '0');
>   DEBUG: sql: SELECT mask, service, url, source, boxcid FROM dlr WHERE
smsc='CIMD2:<IP ADDR>:<PORT>:<USER>' AND ts='030203224454';
>   DEBUG: Found entry, row[0]=31, row[1]=234,
row[2]=http://hostname/blabla?res=%d, row[3]=234, row[4]=(null)
>   DEBUG: created DLR message for URL <http://hostname/blabla?res=%d>
>   DEBUG: removing DLR from database
>   DEBUG: smscconn (CIMD2:<IP ADDR>:<PORT>:<USER>): new message received
>   ERROR: Could not route message to smsbox id <(null)>, smsbox is gone!
>   DEBUG: boxc_sender: sent message to <>
>   INFO: Connection closed by the box <>
> SMSBox Output:
>   DEBUG: HTTP: Destroying HTTPClient area 0x80df1b8.
>   DEBUG: HTTP: Destroying HTTPClient for `'.
>   INFO: Starting delivery report <234> from <234>
>   PANIC: gwlib/octstr.c:2119: seems_valid_real: Assertion `ostr != NULL'
failed. (Called from
> gwlib/octstr.c:1343:octstr_split_words.)
>   Any help would be appreciated
>   Greetings
>   tom Weber

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