Dear Kannel-ers,

Im trying to run kannel as SMS gateway using Nokia
7110 as SMSC. But couldn't running correctly.

Here is my kannel.conf and the error messages.

Any help as to what the heck I'm looking at in this
error message is much

Big Thanks.

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Attachment: kannel.conf
Description: kannel.conf

2003-02-20 12:09:28 [0] INFO: Added logfile `/var/log/kannel.log' with level `0'.
2003-02-20 12:09:28 [0] DEBUG: HTTP: Opening server at port 13000.
2003-02-20 12:09:28 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 1 (gwlib/fdset.c:poller)
2003-02-20 12:09:28 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 2 (gwlib/http.c:server_thread)
2003-02-20 12:09:28 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 3 (gw/bb_http.c:httpadmin_run)
2003-02-20 12:09:28 [0] DEBUG: starting smsbox connection module
2003-02-20 12:09:28 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 4 (gw/bb_boxc.c:smsboxc_run)
2003-02-20 12:09:28 [0] INFO: AT2[7110]: configuration shows modemtype <nokiaphone>
2003-02-20 12:09:28 [0] DEBUG: AT2[7110]: Reading modem definitions from 
2003-02-20 12:09:28 [0] DEBUG: Loading include file `/usr/local/etc/modems.conf' (on 
line 53 of file /usr/local/etc/kannel.conf).
2003-02-20 12:09:28 [0] DEBUG: AT2[7110]: Found <10> modems in config
2003-02-20 12:09:28 [0] INFO: AT2[7110]: read modem definition for <Nokia Phone>
2003-02-20 12:09:28 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 5 (gw/smsc/smsc_at2.c:at2_device_thread)
2003-02-20 12:09:28 [5] INFO: AT2[7110]: opening device
2003-02-20 12:09:28 [5] DEBUG: AT2[7110]: device opened
2003-02-20 12:09:28 [0] DEBUG: Started thread 6 (gw/bb_smscconn.c:sms_router)
2003-02-20 12:09:28 [0] INFO: ----------------------------------------
2003-02-20 12:09:28 [0] INFO: Kannel bearerbox II version 1.3.0 starting
2003-02-20 12:09:28 [0] INFO: MAIN: Start-up done, entering mainloop
2003-02-20 12:09:28 [0] DEBUG: AT2[7110]: start called
2003-02-20 12:09:28 [4] DEBUG: Started thread 7 (gw/bb_boxc.c:function)
2003-02-20 12:09:28 [6] DEBUG: sms_router: time to sleep
2003-02-20 12:09:28 [6] DEBUG: sms_router: list_len = 0
2003-02-20 12:09:28 [7] INFO: Client connected from <>
2003-02-20 12:09:28 [7] DEBUG: Started thread 8 (gw/bb_boxc.c:boxc_sender)
2003-02-20 12:09:29 [5] DEBUG: AT2[7110]: device opened
2003-02-20 12:09:29 [5] INFO: AT2[7110]: init device
2003-02-20 12:09:29 [5] INFO: AT2[7110]: speed set to 19200
2003-02-20 12:09:29 [5] DEBUG: AT2[7110]: --> AT^M
2003-02-20 12:09:33 [5] DEBUG: AT2[7110]: --> AT^M
2003-02-20 12:09:37 [5] ERROR: AT2[7110]: no answer from modem
2003-02-20 12:09:37 [5] ERROR: AT2[7110]: Opening failed. Terminating
2003-02-20 12:09:37 [5] INFO: AT2[7110]: closing device
2003-02-20 12:09:37 [5] DEBUG: Thread 5 (gw/smsc/smsc_at2.c:at2_device_thread) 

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