Hi Vajee,
From the status :
VSMSC AT2[VSMSC] (connecting, rcvd 0, sent 0, failed 0, queued 0 msgs)
I think, your kannel is actually not connected to the smsc. It is showing as 'connecting'.
That may be the reason for queing.
I am attaching a conf file. This I used for nokia 6310, but I think it can be used on ericsson
also after making some changes as indicated.
To test sms pull, you have to send sms to the phone no. of the mobile used as smsc
and you have to write the asp/jsp script to service that message.
You can reply to the list so others others can also benefit if they have similar problem.
Also I saw one mail today in the list of some one using ericsson.
Please try and let me know if it is working.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 10:41 AM
Subject: Re: How to Setup & Test to Receive SMS.

Hi! Shanavaz,
    Firstly thanks, for your help on the kannel setup.
You have spared your precious time to reply back to me.
I  would like to know if you have successfully got the kannel
working for both sending & receiving of SMS.
I have set up kannel on a RH 8.0 box with a EricssonT68 Cell
phone attached to act a SMSC.
When ever i try to send message thru a interface(JSP page)
i find the the messages are only in the queue not sent.
i am attaching the conf file .. for the setup
The messages in the smsbox are as follows
2003-03-04 10:11:28 [2] DEBUG: HTTP: Creating HTTPClient for `'.
2003-03-04 10:11:28 [3] INFO: smsbox: Got HTTP request </cgi-bin/sendsms> from <>
2003-03-04 10:11:28 [3] INFO: sendsms used by <tester>
2003-03-04 10:11:28 [3] INFO: sendsms sender:<tester:821471053> ( to:<821471053> msg:<Hello This is a test from kannel.>
2003-03-04 10:11:28 [3] DEBUG: message length 33, sending 1 messages
2003-03-04 10:11:28 [3] DEBUG: Status: 202 Answer: <Sent.>
2003-03-04 10:11:28 [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Destroying HTTPClient area 0x80dfdd0.
2003-03-04 10:11:28 [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Destroying HTTPClient for `'
I get this status after sending  a SMS message
Status: running, uptime 0d 0h 1m 57s

WDP: received 0 (0 queued), sent 0 (0 queued)

SMS: received 0 (0 queued), sent 0 (3 queued), store size 3

SMS: inbound 0.00 msg/sec, outbound 0.00 msg/sec

DLR: 0 queued, using internal storage

Box connections:

smsbox, IP (on-line 0d 0h 0m 45s)

SMSC connections:

VSMSC AT2[VSMSC] (connecting, rcvd 0, sent 0, failed 0, queued 0 msgs)

FAKE FAKE:10000 (connecting, rcvd 0, sent 0, failed 0, queued 0 msgs)

It would be highly appreciable , if you can guide me in doing
a proper setup.
I hope , i am disturbing you by mailing a direct mail outside
of the Kannnel mail list.
Vajee Uddin.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2003 6:41 PM
Subject: Re: How to Setup & Test to Receive SMS.

To send SMS to the Kannel you can send
SMS to your mobile no. acting as the SMSC.
Kannel will recieve it and will act according to
your sms-service configuration.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 1:13 PM
Subject: How to Setup & Test to Receive SMS.

Hello Kannel'ers,

    I have setup kannel with EricssonT68 cell phone as SMSC.
My OS is Linux 8.0.
The smskannel.conf file is attached;
My Cell No. = 358123456 --- the one acting as SMSC.

If i were to Send SMS to the above kannel setup from a
cell phone how do i do it.
or If from a URL how do i do it.

I would like to know how to Set up Kannel for receiving SMS
and to test the same.. using either a cell phone, URL or fakesmsc.

Thanks all for giving your precious time.

Best Wishes,


group = core
admin-port = 13000
smsbox-port = 13001
admin-password = bar
log-file = "kannel.log"
log-level = 0
box-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
box-allow-ip = ""
access-log = "access.log"
store-file = "kannel.store"


group = smsc
smsc = at2
smsc-id = nok6310
device = /dev/ttyS0
modemtype = nokiaphone (ericsson in your case)
speed = 9600
connect-allow-ip = ""
sms-center = "+971506060000"  (this must be the number of the SMS center of your 
mobile provider)


group = modems
id = nokiaphone       (ericsson in your case)
name = modemconf1
detect-string = nokia (ericsson in your case)
speed = 9600


group = smsbox
bearerbox-host = localhost
sendsms-port = 13013
sendsms-chars = "0123456789+"
log-file = "smsbox.log"
log-level = 0
access-log = "access.log"


group = sendsms-user
username = tester
password = foobar
max-messages = 10
concatenation = true


group = sms-service
keyword = default
get-url = "";
concatenation = true
max-messages = 10

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