As a WAP gateway, Kannel on a server with a static IP address will suffice.
The modems part in the manual is meant for sending / receiving SMS.

The wapbox does not listen to any TCP port by itself. If you are referring
to WAP ports (9200, 9201, etc) then note that these ports are UDP based
ports and therefore you cannot connect to them by telnet (which is a TCP
based protocol).

What more is needed is a routable connection from your dial-in point to the
static IP that your host is on.
In the case that the host is somewhere on the internet, then your phone can
dial in to any internet dial-up account.

Hope this helps,

Rene Kluwen

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Mike Migurski
Sent: dinsdag 13 januari 2004 23:45
Subject: new to WAP, a basic question


I'm new to WAP so I apologize if my questions are uninformed. I'm
attempting to set myself up with my own WAP gateway, because Verizon's
default MSN gateway isn't useful to me. I have attempted to use's, but its availability has been less than passable.

My question is this: is it enough to have a server with a static IP,
running kannel's wapbox software, to have a WAP gateway? There is a
section in the user docs that describes modems and other associated
hardware, but nothing else I have seen in the docs or in the past 5 months
of this list's archives (I've checked back to August) indicates that I
might need anything other than a valid IP address.

I have kannel installed, and I'm running bearerbox and wapbox (on RH 9). I
have attempted to telnet to the configured port from a remote machine to
verify that the server is running, and have seen connection attempts
correctly logged by bearerbox (though not by wapbox). When I try to do
this same thing using my handset, a Nokia 3589i, the server connection
times out, and the bearerbox log does not register any attempt.

What am I missing here? Could this be a case of my provider blocking my
ability to connect to third-party gateways? I have tried to use the same
port as verizon with no success, and I can also connect to's
gateway if I need to, so I'm not sure that's the issue.

Any help, explanation, or pointers to a more informative source than's docs in the case of an "RTFM" would be greatly appreciated.


michal migurski- contact info and pgp key:

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