
I experienced similar problems when running kannel on Windows XP w/cygwin.

It was a developing-only platform, I wouldnīt even think about deploying anything on it, but when Iīve feeded many messages per second, only a fraction returned. I think it was related with the poor thread handling you can expect from that kind of setup. Anyway I didnīt investigate the problem too much because it was just a developing setup and we were not making stress-test there.


At 23:26 19/04/2004, you wrote:
ARe the problems http problems or connection errors to your service
provider? You may need to set some throttling on your system as many
SMPP providers, for instance, will only let a small number of messages
be sent a second.


On 19/04/04, Louis du Plessis ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> We've been running an sms gateway for some time now, but lately the demand
> has grown and we found that if you send requests to close together most
> fail.
> I've looked at the user guide and tried everything, but it appears as if the
> queue
> doesn't work properly. This is running v1.3.1, we tried 1.3.0 and 1.2.1
> aswell but
> same problem.
> The log output however shows successful http transactions with the client
> how, rapid
> the requests come in makes no difference, but the end result is about a 1 in
> 3 failiure.
> Has anyone ever experianced anything like this before? Please advise
Rory Campbell-Lange

-- Alejandro Guerrieri Magicom [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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