Good day,

It seems that you did not start smsbox?
After starting up bearerbox, smsbox has to be started as a seperate process.

Rene Kluwen

> Hi all,
> It seems it is an usual question, but I didn't find any answer in the
> archive yet, and since there is no search facility it is a kind of
> tricky to search for previous answers, as I am sure there is the answer
> somewhere in the archive.
> I do that:
> My config file is like that:
> group = core
> admin-port = 13000
> admin-password = XXXXX
> admin-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
> admin-allow-ip = ""
> smsbox-port = 13003
> wapbox-port = 13002
> wdp-interface-name = "*"
> log-file = "/var/log/kannel/bearerbox.log"
> box-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
> box-allow-ip = ";192.168.0.*"
> log-level = 0
> group = wapbox
> bearerbox-host = localhost
> log-file = "/var/log/kannel/wapbox.log"
> group = smsbox
> bearerbox-host = localhost
> sendsms-port = 13013
> #sendsms-chars = "0123456789 "
> global-sender = 123456
> access-log = "kannel.access"
> log-file = "smsbox.log"
> log-level = 0
> group = smsc
> smsc = smpp
> smsc-id = m365
> host =
> port = 7902
> receive-port = 7902
> smsc-username = "xxxxxxxxxx"
> smsc-password = xxxxxxxxxx
> system-type = "VMA"
> address-range = ""
> interface-version = 34
> enquire-link-interval = 59
> reconnect-delay = 30
> log-file = "/var/log/kannel/7902.log"
> group = sendsms-user
> username = ewasx
> password = ewasx
> user-deny-ip = ""
> user-allow-ip = ""
> And I cannot connect (I'm doing it from my browser). To help a bit here
> is the error I see using lynx:
> Looking up localhost:13013
> Making HTTP connection to localhost:13013
> Alert!: Unable to connect to remote host.
> lynx: Can't access startfile
> http://localhost:13013/cgi-bin/sendsms?username=xxxx&password=xxxx&to=xxxxxx&text=hello+word
> And telnet:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/kannel$ telnet localhost 13013
> Trying
> telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/kannel$
> Looks like nothing is listening to port 13013
> I've tried to change a lot of settings, playing a bit with them and
> din't find any working config.
> I am connected to the smsc, this part is fine (I am the SMSC, well, I
> work for a provider so I can check logs and I see I am well connected)
> Second question, but far less important: log-file = "smsbox.log", I
> don't find the log (this is an example taken from the user's guide, I've
> also try a full path: /var/log/kannel/smsbox.log but the file is not
> existing)
> Thanks for your help. I may have a blonde moment, but I'm on it since
> hours (so that's a really long blonde moment) now and still haven't
> found the right setting. I'm stuck, for something stupid I'm sure.
> BenoƮt

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