hi all,
    I have connections to multiple smsc, and want some messages which I
submit via http to kannel to be send out via a specific smsc when
multiple of my smscs support that number range.

I have tried to do it by specifying the smsc in my get request and by
using forced-smsc in my sendsms-user group
which have failed although it would seem that that's what those settings
are for.

The user manual details using smsbox routing but in what I find slightly
confusing manner. I have to assume that whet it says incoming messages
it is referring to what for me are outgoing (MT).
Before going in and messing a working setup I would appreciate any
thoughts on this matter and maybe a possible easier way of doing it.
For me it looks easier to prepend a digit (e.g 9) before the number and
then only put this in the allowed prefix of the smsc I want this
messages to be send from.

I will not Include my conf in this post, but if anybody wants to be
specific please let me know, and I will clean and post it.

thanks in advance,
    Kyriacos Sakkas

Kyriacos Sakkas
Development Team
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