Try to use the INSERT DELAYED command in your application.
Probably it will help. Not 100% sure. But it is worth a try.

Rene Kluwen

> recently i received to many messages per second on kannel, the
> problem that i had is that my applications could not handle to many
> open connections so in the inner of looking for a queue manager for
> kannel I thought that maybe i could install 2 instance of kannel, one
> for making the connection with the provider and to work like a
> gateway using the throughput option and forwarding this messages to
> another kannel obtaining with tis  with a lower incoming rate of
> messages  per second.
> maybe this is not a optional solution but what do you guys thinks
> about it? my main problem is that mysql is not storing all the
> incoming messages when the incoming rate is grater than 30msg/sec.
> regards.

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