morecode=1 to my smsbox bearerbox can't start  ???? Bearerbox never depends on this as per my knowledge ... When you use morecode=1 check your kannel log, it suppose to print converting message UCS2 to UTF-8.
get-url="" title="" href="" target="_blank">"
text = %a is better to handle total message. and why are you specifying binary ...
What kind of error you getting in ASP.NET (ofcourse, I don't have any idea about .Net).

On 7/13/06, issam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

thank you for your response
when I add morecode=1 to my smsbox bearerbox can't start but the error is generated by asp.net because he consider an url containing this caracter ' as dangerous
but I always have a problem
 when i send a message to my smsbox with a request for delivery report via http he send it 2 twice the same message
group = core
admin-port = 13000
admin-password = bar
smsbox-port = 13002
log-file = "/kannel/smsbox.log"
log-level = 0
access-log = "/kannel/access.log"
dlr-storage = mysql
store-file = "/kannel.store"
group = mysql-connection
id = mydlr
host = localhost
username = root
password =
database = dlr
max-connections = 5

group = dlr-db
id = mydlr
table = dlr1
field-smsc = smsc
field-timestamp = ts
field-destination = destination
field-source = source
field-service = service
field-url = "">field-mask = mask
field-status = status
field-boxc-id = boxc
group = sqlbox
id = mydlr
smsbox-id = smsbox1
bearerbox-host = "localhost"
smsbox-port = 13005
smsbox-port-ssl = false
sql-log-table = sent_sms
sql-insert-table = send_sms
global-sender = 06121
log-file = "/sqlbox.log"
log-level = 0

group = smsbox
bearerbox-host = localhost
bearerbox-is-sqlbox = true
sendsms-port = 13001
smsbox-id = smsbox1
log-file = "/smsbox.log"
log-level = 0

group = smsc
smsc = smpp
smsc-id = smsc1
host = "xxxxxxx"
port = "xxx"
receive-port = "xxxx"
smsc-username = "xxxx"
smsc-password = "xxxx"
system-type = "VMA"
address-range = ""
enquire-link-interval = 15
source-addr-ton = 0
source-addr-npi = isdn
dest-addr-ton = 1
dest-addr-npi = isdn
source-addr-autodetect = false
my-number = xxxx

group = sendsms-user
username = tester
password = foobar
max-messages = 3
concatenation = true
dlr-url="" title="" href="" target="_blank">"

group = sms-service
keyword = default
text = "No service specified"
assume-plain-text = true
max-messages = 0
concatenation = true
get-url="" title="" href="" target="_blank">"
group = smsbox-route
smsbox-id = smsbox1
smsc-ids = "smsc1"
----- Original Message -----
To: issam
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 3:29 AM
Subject: Re: unicode

Hai Issam,
When you are sending unicode message use morecode=1 option in SMSBOX SETUP. So this will convert incoming message to UTF-8.
But "Could not fetch content" error may not be related to this CHARECTER SET problem. It is mor likely a connection between smsbox and bearerbox or some other application you are connectiong too. Chek you configuration again.
I think, it is better to post your configuration to Kannel user group so some one should point out the mistake !!!! Think about it .....

On 7/12/06, issam < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
yes, I have only a default section to receive incoming message
for my text message (in arabic) normally i receive some thing like
06330655063406440678 but kannel traduce it to 06)3306('06)' and when he try
to execute my url it generate an error
my problem is how to tel to kannel to correct send unicode to my url
I use fedora core 4 x86_64 french
----- Original Message -----
From: "Stipe Tolj" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >
To: "issam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >
Cc: < users@kannel.org>
Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2006 3:08 PM
Subject: Re: unicode

> issam wrote:
>> hello
>> I try to send a unicode message from my phone to kannel but he generate
>> an error and send me a message "Could not fetch content, sorry."
>> how can I correctly receive a correct unicode 0609.... (i use smpp
>> connection with my provider)
>> thanks
> Hmm, so you send a unicode message (which real language icons embedded?)
> and the response is "could not fetch content". This seems like smsbox
> received the message, but couldn't resolve the keyword or other routing
> criteria for the required sms-service.
> Did you try to use a single 'default' sms-service to hook all incoming
> messages to that?
> Stipe
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Kölner Landstrasse 419
> 40589 Düsseldorf, NRW, Germany
> tolj.org system architecture      Kannel Software Foundation (KSF)
> http://www.tolj.org/               http://www.kannel.org/
> mailto: st_{at}_tolj.org           mailto: stolj_{at}_kannel.org
> -------------------------------------------------------------------

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