Hi Mi,

So instead of posting MT messages to the sendsms CGI script, I could
just add it to the correct table, and then the bearerbox will pick it up
and put it through the right smsc?

How about the dlr's, are they also being stored to mysql (in my case) ?

I do not understand your third line: both hands seem the same?

Thanks for your response!

Kind regards,

Mi Reflejo wrote:
> I'm sorry there isn't any documentation at this moment. I don't have
> time to do it but i can tell you what sqlbox does.
> Universally speaking: Sqlbox module goes between bearerbox and smsbox;
> inserting all transactions (MO/MT) into one database (posgres, mysql).
> In one hand Sqlbox acts like smsbox to bearerbox and in the other hand
> acts like smsbox to bearerbox.
> i hope this helps.
> M
> On 11/9/06, Rolandow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  Hi,
>>  I see a lot messages about the sqlbox passing by here. Is there some
>> online
>> documentation I can read before I start trying it?
>>  At this point I don't even know what the features are for this product.
>>  Thanks in advance!
>>  Regards,
>>  Roland.

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