
The queued DLRs, are as you initially suggest, they are waiting on the final response from the SMSC, i.e. until they get either delivered or an undeliverable (or a rejected submission) they will hang around waiting for that (assuming the mask you set is looking for them). I think queued is perhaps the wrong word to use really. Pending might well be better.

As far as I am aware, if a DLR fails to be delivered it is not queued for a redelivery attempt.


On 3 Apr 2007, at 05:32, Iain Dooley wrote:

okay, so i understand that store-status is for queued messages, not for queued dlrs, but what does it mean when a dlr is queued? ie:

DLR: 12 queued, using internal storage

in my status report. does this mean that kannel is waiting to hear back from the smsc? or that kannel is waiting to deliver them to the dlr-url?

every time a message is sent, i see:

2007-04-03 13:58:16 [94229] [4] INFO: Starting delivery report <USER> from <SOURCE>

in my smsbox log. sometimes i see the error i reported earlier (connection reset by peer, error reading from fd 28).

so if i see the 'starting delivery report' every single time i send a message, and then sometimes i see the error reading from fd 28, does that mean that these dlrs that fail remain queued or something?



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