Hi David,

If you start connecting to more different carriers or simply having many smsc's, you might want to look at using allowed-smsc-id instead of denied-smsc-id.

From the kannel docs
denied-smsc-id  id-list  SMS messages with SMSC ID equal to any of the IDs in 
this list are never routed to this SMSC. Multiple entries are separated with 
semicolons (';')
allowed-smsc-id id-list This list is opposite to previous: only SMS messages 
with SMSC ID in this list are ever routed to this SMSC. Multiple entries are 
separated with semicolons (';')

e.g, using this
  allowed-smsc-id = SMSC-T1.A

instead of
  denied-smsc-id = SMSC-T1.B;SMSC-T1.C;SMSC-T2.A
  preferred-smsc-id = SMSC-T1.A

Stuart Beck

David Ritchie wrote:
Hello all

I seem to have cracked this problem by making sure all the other SMSCs
are listed under denied-smsc-id. For example, under SMSC-T1.A should be
the following configuration parameters:

group = smsc
smsc = smpp
smsc-id = SMSC-T1.A
allowed-prefix = "027;6427;+6427;021;6421;+6421;"
preferred-prefix = "027;6427;+6427"
denied-smsc-id = SMSC-T1.B;SMSC-T1.C;SMSC-T2.A   <-- had to include the
SMSC(s) for the other telco here
preferred-smsc-id = SMSC-T1.A

Messages have been pushed out on the requested SMSC 100% of the time


-----Original Message-----
From: David Ritchie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, 3 April 2007 1:48 p.m.
To: users@kannel.org
Subject: Forcing SMSC doesn't work

Hi -- when doing an MT push, I want to force the SMSC I want messages to
go out on, regardless of what the handset's prefix happens to be.
However, it doesn't seem to work -- messages just go out on a random
SMSC, even when I include a "smsc=" value in the MT push URL.

We're recently suffering the overhead of the telcos rolling out number
portability, and want to achieve the following:

  -- force a message to be pushed to a specific SMSC, provided the SMSC
is specified in the push URL
  -- set a default SMSC (or group of SMSCs) for a prefix, in case the
SMSC *isn't* specified
  -- and have confidence it'll all work.

I am currently connected to 4 SMSCs, 3 providing connectivity to telco
T1 (call these SMSC-T1.A through SMSC-T1.C), and one connected to telco
T2 (SMSC-T2.A).

Previously if I pushed out to a handset prefixed with "6427", it went
out (randomly) through one of the 3 SMSCs connected to telco T1. The
three smsc groups looked like this:

group = smsc
smsc = smpp
smsc-id = SMSC-T1.A                 [ this changed between SMSCs ]
allowed-prefix = "027;6427;+6427"
denied-smsc-id = SMS-T1.B;SMS-T1.C  [ obviously this was different
between SMSCs ]
preferred-smsc-id = smsc-t1a

And the fourth SMSC (to the other telco) was along these lines:

group = smsc
smsc = smpp
smsc-id = SMSC-T2.A
allowed-prefix = "021;6421;+6421"

(Judging from these prefixes, you can probably guess what country I am

With number portability, messages sent to handsets beginning with "6427"
could potentially be forced to be sent out through telco T2; likewise
handsets prefixed with "6421" might have to have messages pushed out
through one of the SMSCs associated with telco T1.

So I tried a test -- knowing a handset number which happened to have
been ported from T1 to T2, but still keeping the "6427" prefix, I made
some changes to the Kannel configuration, namely changing the allowed
prefixes for all the SMSCs to allow all prefixes:

  allowed-prefix = "027;6427;+6427;021;6421;+6421;"

I also added a "preferred-prefix" value in case we tried to push out
messages without specifying the SMSC

  preferred-prefix = "021;6421;+6421"

The URL I requested included a value for "smsc" set to "SMSC-T2.A"
(url-encoded), and assumed this would forced the message to go out
through SMSC-T2.A; instead the message goes to *any* of the four SMSCs
(since they've all got "6427" as a valid prefix). It appears to be a
random choice between the four.

Your advice is appreciated.


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