
What I want to have is: The message commes to the kannel network in
kannel1 with smsc = 1, it forwadrs the message to a 3rd kannel smsc,
through a 2nd kannel but want to have kannel 3 know that the message
entered into the system through kannel1/smsc1 and not from
kannel2/smsc2 that is the smsc that delivered the message to

sms  --> [Kannel SMSC id 1]  -->  [Kannel SMSC id 2]  -->  [Kannel SMSC id 3]

As per the user guide, I'm supposed to use %i or %I (What is the
difference?) but in my tests, kannel3/smsc3 always receve the smsc
origin as kannel2/smsc2 instead of kannel1/smsc1.



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