I think you are speaking about USSD request. I'm not sure Kannel could
handle both reading of incoming sms and USSD channel that could be done
through AT command.

Does someone has some similar experience ?

-----Original Message-----
From: Alvaro Cornejo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: lundi 19 novembre 2007 14:00
To: Luki Lusiano
Cc: users@kannel.org
Subject: Re: can kannel check my credit using *888# command

Hi Luki

If you don´t use it now, you can setup kannel´s keepalive config of
the smsc to send the AT equivalent command to the *888#  to the modem
( I don´t know its equivalent) and set the keepalive retry to whatever
interval you need.

The result of the command can be viewed in kannel log (debug level).

Since kannel has no way -as far as I know- to interact with the modem
with other commands other than the buit-in -unless you patch smsc_at-
you might need to stop kannel, access the modem through cu, minicom,
getty or other terminal sw, enter the command(s) needed and then
restart kannel.



On 11/19/07, Luki Lusiano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, i'm using kannel for 2 years now and I thank you for this great
> I hope this question is never been asked before, try to search it, but no
> luck.
> The question is :
> can kannel check my credit using *888# command
> i'm using prepaid mobile phone, thats mean that i have to buy voucher and
> put the code to the mobilephone to continue to use the phone, from the
> voucher i get my credit to make call or send sms.
> But the problem is, the my web and sms server is located at different
> (500 KM from my place).
> To know that my mobile is still active i'm using this command at the phone
> *888#
> and receive this reply  "your credit is "_some_number_" and you active
> periode until "_some_date_" "
> can i login remotely by using ssh and type some command at the server and
> receive the answer from the phone?
> What is the command or the code?
> if it can, i'm planning make a script to check and send it using sms to my
> mobile phone.
> Thank You All.
> ________________________________
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