    First ask the operator if they return standard DLRs or they have
there own mappings.


Rolandow wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am experimenting with getting the DLR notifications to work. I would
> like to know how I can determine the correct msg-id-type setting. We
> are connecting to Movistar in Peru, but all messages are returned with
> status 2 or 16. I can't imagine that all messages are being rejected.
> So either my msg-id-type setting is wrong, or their response is wrong.
> I tried studying the PDU packets they return, but I guess my knowledge
> about these package isn't good enough yet.
> Could somebody please give me a hand on this one, and explain me how I
> can determine the correct value?
> Thanks in advance!
> Kind regards,
> Roland.

Kyriacos Sakkas
Development Team
Tel: + 357 22 452565
Fax: + 357 22 452566

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