Hi Werner,

Looking through your capture, I can not see the mblox specific parameters. In any case the best option for connecting yo Mblox with kannel is to use the meta-data (TLV) branch from CVS. Details on this can be found on the kannel mailing list. A lot of people are using this, including me, to connect to mblox without problems.

   Kyriacos Sakkas

Werner García wrote:
Hi Kyriacos:

Maybe you can help me with a problem I’m having using Kannel to connect to Mblox.

The problem I'm having is that Kannel cannot read the Tariff and Operator code from the messages sent by Mblox.

I installed versión 1.4.0 with patch gateway-1.4.0-egwn (downloaded from Mblox support center) And added a few debug points so I could see the optional parameters being sent, but nothing showed up.

I’m attaching a report generated by Wireshark (Ethereal). Maybe you can tell me if those codes are being sent or not.

Thank you very much for your help.

Best regards,

PS. Do you know if someone has succesfully used Kannel 1.4.x to connect to Mblox and send and receive messages? Thanks.


    Werner García
    Soporte y Comunicaciones
    Ebclosión, S.A.
    Tel. (502) 2335-3603
    Cel. (502) 5630-2708

Kyriacos Sakkas
Development Team
Tel: + 357 22 452565
Fax: + 357 22 452566

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