
Is there any easy way to configure the mapping between
> SMSC ID's and short codes?
> We have the following requirements for a project, and I'm trying to
> determine what is the best and cleanest way to configure kannel to achieve
> them. I'm using kannel v1.4.1 .

I prefer to use 1.4.3 , solve many things and have many new features

> i) We need to be able to receive SMS messages from various SMSC's ,
>     e.g. messages sent by people to short code 111 would be received
>     through one particular SMSC, and those sent to 222 would be received
>     through another SMSC.

this is depend on you operator configuration, may be you operator define one
SMSC connection and route all the SMS ( from 111 and 222) to the same SMSC
(and in this case you need to check the receiver number) , or may be you
operator give you more than one session for single short code  (for example
SMSC1 + SMSC2 for the short code 111 and SMSC3 and SMSC4 for 222)

So you can ask the team who handel the Kannel configration.

> ii) An application processes each message, and sends any reply back
>      to the sender via kannel's normal sendsms interface:
>        http://localhost:13013/cgi-bin/sendsms?.....
>      The message must be sent back through the same SMSC from which
>      it was originally received, and with the same short code.

>      (i.e. if a message is received from SMSC BBBB with short code 222,
>       the reply has to go back through SMSC BBBB and appear to the customer
>       as coming from '222'.
>      )

you need to let you application use the parameter *smsc* in the sendsms
interface, (e.g when your  application fetch the rows from the mo table ,
there are field that determine the incoming smsc , so use it the same to
send SMS) , but not to do that you SMPP connections must be transiver not
reciver only ( ask your kannel team)

> iii) An application should also be able to send a random
>      application-initiated message through SMSC that it wishes.
>      If it doesn't specify any particular SMSC, it should through
>      a specific default SMSC.
> I think the following relevant bits of configuration are a good start.
>     group = smsc
>     smsc-id = AAAA
>     allowed-smsc-id = AAAA
>     group = smsc
>     smsc-id = BBBB
>     allowed-smsc-id = BBBB
>     group = smsc
>     smsc-id = CCCC
>     allowed-smsc-id = CCCC
>     group = smsc
>     smsc-id = ZZZZ
>     denied-smsc-id = AAAA;BBBB;CCCC
> From my testing, this means that if the application specifies
> "smsc=BBBB" as a parameter, i.e.
>     http://localhost:13013/cgi-bin/sendsms?....&smsc=BBBB
> it will ALWAYS go through BBBB and nowhere else.
> If the application doesn't specify the smsc= parameter (or specifies
> a non-existant one), then the message will ALWAYS go through ZZZZ
> and nowhere else.
> That's what I want and I hope that's how it's meant to work.
> It does mean that if I add a new SMSC in the future, then we have to
> remember to also add it to the "denied-smsc-id" configuration above.
> A bit convoluted, but that's how kannel seems to work.
> Now, regarding the 'from=' parameter:
> From my observations, the SMSC's here (over which I have no control),
> tolerate only certain source numbers. So for example if I try
> sending back a SMS reply to a customer through SMSC BBBB, then that
> SMSC will accept a 'from' address of 222, but not 111 for example.
>     http://localhost:13013/cgi-bin/sendsms?....&smsc=BBBB&from=222
> I was hoping that maybe I could leave out the from= parameter
> and then perhaps the SMSC itself would fill it in with a default correct
> value (I have no idea if our SMSC's are set up like that, but at least
> I would have liked to test it).
> But if I leave out the "from=" parameter from the URL above, kannel itself
> refuses to accept the URL, giving:
>     ERROR 400: Bad Request
> Is there any clean way to configure kannel to tell it
> the relationships between the short codes and the SMSC ID?
> Continuing from above, requirement #4 is:

I can't get you here.

> iv) Ideally the application should be able to specify just
> the smsc or the 'from' field, and kannel should be able to
> supply the rest.
>     http://localhost:13013/cgi-bin/sendsms?....&smsc=BBBB
>         or
>     http://localhost:13013/cgi-bin/sendsms?....&from=222
> There's a lot of documentation in the kannel user guide
> so the solution may be staring me in the face, but I find a lot of it
> challenging to understand, especially the parts about 'routing'.
> The only way I could find to implement this is the following:
> I haven't tried to test this yet.
> I could set up one sendsms-user per SMSC. So for example
> for SMSC BBBB, I could set up with user:
>     group = sendsms-user
>     username = user_BBBB
>     default-smsc = BBBB
>     default-sender = 61421260388
> That way if the application wants to sends a message to
> SMSC BBBB, it (hopefully) only needs to do
>     http://localhost:13013/cgi-bin/sendsms?....&username=user_BBBB
> and can leave out either or both the smsc= and from= parameters.
> Of course, it has to then supply the correct username= parameter.
> Is there a more standard or neater way to do what I want?
> The application writers tell me that it might be hard for
> them to specify different username= values like this in the
> sendsms URL. They would rather be able to
> specify only the smsc= or from= parameter,
> and have kannel automatically work out how the other parameter.

that only what you need to determine the smsc, from, coding, charset,
destination only, and use the same group for sendsms-user.

> (This is the end of the request.)

 hope that help you.

Hafez A.Ahmad

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