Barry, what is your context exactly?

Are you sending SMS using a mysql injection directly ? in that case you
should succeed to insert a text including a quote correctly,

or like me are you using cgi interface of smsbox ? (CGI script -> smsbox ->
sqlbox -> bearerbox -> mobile): in this case I have an issue and the quote
is escaped.



2010/5/24 Cezary Siwek <>

> I populate the table with non slashed text with no problems. Before I do
> that, I'm treating the message body using mysqli->real_escapre_string.
> Cezary
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of Barry Murphy
> Sent: 24 May 2010 00:45
> To: Users
> Subject: Messages with php stripslashes
> Hi,
> I'm using sqlbox to insert text messages into kannel from our php website.
> Previous to using PHP stripslashes, when ever a person had a ' in a word
> such as it's, it would add a slash like it\'s which is understandable.
> We've since used php stripslashes('it\'s') which sends "it's" to sqlbox and
> then to the user. Problem is now that in place of a ' the user receives a
> ?, for instance it's is displayed to the user as it?s. Does anyone know
> what I could use in PHP to get the correct message to the end user.
> thanks
> Barry


CHANSON Emmanuel
Mobile Nouvelle-Calédonie: +687.77.35.02
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