How i setup the sqlbox? i have installed using apt-get, but now i don't
know what i have to do...
is necessary to start some application?

and now i get another error, regarding the read of sms from sim

2010-09-14 23:51:37 [10621] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_E160e]: <-- OK
2010-09-14 23:51:37 [10621] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_E160e]: not deleted.
2010-09-14 23:51:37 [10621] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_E160e]: --> AT+CMGR=43^M
2010-09-14 23:51:37 [10621] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_E160e]: <-- AT+CMGR=43
2010-09-14 23:51:37 [10621] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_E160e]: <-- OK
2010-09-14 23:51:37 [10621] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_E160e]: not deleted.
2010-09-14 23:51:37 [10621] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_E160e]: --> AT+CMGR=44^M
2010-09-14 23:51:37 [10621] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_E160e]: <-- AT+CMGR=44
2010-09-14 23:51:37 [10621] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_E160e]: <-- OK
2010-09-14 23:51:37 [10621] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_E160e]: not deleted.
2010-09-14 23:51:37 [10621] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_E160e]: --> AT+CMGR=45^M
2010-09-14 23:51:37 [10621] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_E160e]: <-- AT+CMGR=45
2010-09-14 23:51:37 [10621] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_E160e]: <-- OK
2010-09-14 23:51:37 [10621] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_E160e]: not deleted.
2010-09-14 23:51:37 [10621] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_E160e]: --> AT+CMGR=46^M
2010-09-14 23:51:38 [10621] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_E160e]: <-- AT+CMGR=46
2010-09-14 23:51:38 [10621] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_E160e]: <-- OK
2010-09-14 23:51:38 [10621] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_E160e]: not deleted.
2010-09-14 23:51:38 [10621] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_E160e]: --> AT+CMGR=47^M
2010-09-14 23:51:38 [10621] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_E160e]: <-- AT+CMGR=47
2010-09-14 23:51:38 [10621] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_E160e]: <-- OK
2010-09-14 23:51:38 [10621] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_E160e]: not deleted.
2010-09-14 23:51:38 [10621] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_E160e]: --> AT+CMGR=48^M
2010-09-14 23:51:38 [10621] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_E160e]: <-- AT+CMGR=48
2010-09-14 23:51:38 [10621] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_E160e]: <-- OK
2010-09-14 23:51:38 [10621] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_E160e]: not deleted.
2010-09-14 23:51:38 [10621] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_E160e]: --> AT+CMGR=49^M
2010-09-14 23:51:38 [10621] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_E160e]: <-- AT+CMGR=49
2010-09-14 23:51:38 [10621] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_E160e]: <-- OK
2010-09-14 23:51:38 [10621] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_E160e]: not deleted.
2010-09-14 23:51:38 [10621] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_E160e]: --> AT+CMGR=50^M
2010-09-14 23:51:38 [10621] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_E160e]: <-- AT+CMGR=50
2010-09-14 23:51:38 [10621] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_E160e]: <-- +CMS ERROR: 321
2010-09-14 23:51:38 [10621] [6] ERROR: AT2[huawei_E160e]: CMS ERROR: +CMS
ERROR: 321
2010-09-14 23:51:38 [10621] [6] ERROR: AT2[huawei_E160e]: CMS ERROR:
Invalid memory index -> don't worry, just memory fragmentation. (321)
2010-09-14 23:51:38 [10621] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_E160e]: failed to get
message 50.

what is wrong ?

> Here is my answer to the exact same question from a few months ago:
> 2010/9/17 Zaharia Constantin <>
>> hy,
>> how i read the message from SIM card and how i store the messages.
>> I want to see when a new message has arrived and store in a database.
>> please help me...
>> best regards,
>> Constantin Zaharia
> --
> Best regards,
> Alex

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