Thanks for your reply Nikos.
I guess that if I call my mobile operator's customer service, they won't even know what I'm talking about hehehe. The phone I'm using is an Android, so I'll make some more tests using the phone directly to find out if it gets the "delivered" report.



On 11/07/2011 04:30 p.m., Nikos Balkanas wrote:

You are doing the right thing. It seems to be your smsc problem. Talk to them. dlr-mask = 31 covers all possible reports.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Alejandro Mejia Evertsz" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 1:17 AM
Subject: DLR using a phone

Hello everyone.
Excuse me for this dumb question, but I got lost on the UG regarding this.
I'm using an LG phone and I have MT and MO working fine.
When sending a message via HTTP I'm setting dlr-mask=31

I'm getting DLR correctly but only with status = 8 (delivered to smsc). When I get the sms on my mobile phone, there's nothing being received by kannel, so my guessing is that I'm setting dlr-mask with a value that doesn't ask my mobile operator to get a DLR for the sent message. Or am I wrong? Can someone explain which are valid values for dlr-mask if I want to request for full DLR to the operator? (I'm sure my operator supports DLR, because when sending from the phone with this option enabled, I get a DLR when it gets delivered on the destination's mobile)

Thanks in advance for your time.



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