
Mysql db in Kannel is used to handle dlr report not to store all sms.
Have a look to playsms you may find some usefull features.
All sms will be stored in mysql db.



Le 7 déc. 2011 20:51, "Supporto Tecnico - Crazy Network" <
supp...@crazynetwork.it> a écrit :

>  Hi everyone.
> im trying to work with Kannel since some month now and ive successfull let
> it work as the company where i work want.. now.. my next step is save SMS
> into a DB so ive recompiled Kannel with latest SVN (yesterday 06/12/11)
> with mysql option enabled (and ofc mysql-devel installed).
> Installation went just fine, configuration doent give any error but im
> unable to see sms stored in database.
> Ive made some search on google and i should have wrong understand what i
> read (my native language is not english, so, sorry for any error), ive read
> that mysql is used just as temp database where kannel put the sms and
> remove that line once he have reply to the database, is this correct?
> If yes, how should i do for let sms stored to the database?
> Also, what about if i dont want that kannel reply directly to the sms?
> (Now he reply with a get-url in sms-service and with a status 0 delivery
> accepted from source code (that i had edited for test).
> Here my needs so:
> 1 - Kannel receive the SMS and store it in a MySQL DB
> 2 - A custom PHP script (that will be programmed from some programmers
> here in office) will check every minute (with crontab) if there are new sms
> 3 - The PHP script will call smsbox for send multiple sms (like sms
> accepted, forward of the sms to tech support or/and whatever)
> 4 - Kannel store the sent sms into another table using sqlbox i suppose
> (still didnt study this yet)
> Anyone can help me out with this request? Here my config:
> >cat kannel.conf
> include = "/usr/local/kannel/core.conf"
> include = "/usr/local/kannel/smsc.conf"
> include = "/usr/local/kannel/smsbox.**conf"
> include = "/usr/local/kannel/sms-user.**conf"
> include = "/usr/local/kannel/sms-**service.conf"
> include = "/usr/local/kannel/modems.**conf"
> include = "/usr/local/kannel/mysql.conf"
> >cat core.conf
> group = core
> admin-port = 13000
> smsbox-port = 13001
> admin-password = foo
> #status-password = foo
> #admin-deny-ip = ""
> admin-allow-ip = ""
> log-file = "/var/log/kannel/bearerbox.**log"
> log-level = 0
> #box-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
> box-allow-ip = "*.*.*.*"
> dlr-storage = mysql
> #unified-prefix = "+39,0039;+,00"
> access-log = "/var/log/kannel/bearerbox-**access.log"
> #store-location = "/usr/local/kannel/store.**kannel"
> #ssl-server-cert-file = "cert.pem"
> #ssl-server-key-file = "key.pem"
> #ssl-certkey-file = "mycertandprivkeyfile.pem"
> >cat smsc.conf
> group = smsc
> smsc = at
> modemtype = auto
> device=/dev/ttyUSB1
> my-number = 3806320353
> connect-allow-ip = "*.*.*.*"
> log-level = 0
> >cat smsbox.conf
> group = smsbox
> bearerbox-host =
> sendsms-port = 13013
> global-sender = 3806320353
> #sendsms-chars = "0123456789 +-"
> log-file = "/var/log/kannel/smsbox.log"
> log-level = 0
> access-log = "/var/log/kannel/bearerbox-**access.log"
> >cat sms-user.conf
> group = sendsms-user
> username = andrea
> password = password
> concatenation = true
> max-messages = 1000
> #user-deny-ip = ""
> user-allow-ip = "*.*.*.*"
> >cat sms-service.conf
> group = sms-service
> keyword =
> catch-all = yes
> get-url = "**cgi-bin/sendsms?username=**
> andrea&password=password&from=**RTH&to=3388552885+%q&text=GAI+**
> USER+%q+your+request+is+**accepted+form+the+system+at+%**
> t+and+will+be+sent+to+our+**team.+Text:+%a"
> group = sms-service
> keyword = default
> text = "No service specified"
> >cat mysql.conf
> group = mysql-connection
> id = dlr-db
> host =
> username = sms
> password = vR174
> database = sms
> max-connections = 10
> group = dlr-db
> id = dlr-db
> table = dlr
> field-smsc = smsc
> field-timestamp = ts
> field-source = source
> field-destination = destination
> field-service = service
> field-url = url
> field-mask = mask
> field-status = status
> field-boxc-id = boxc
> I didnt pasted modem.conf cause i dont think is needed, modem is an Huawei
> E220 USB that is working great if anyone would like to use it.
> Can anyone point me to the right edits?
> Thanks in advance.
> Best regards
> --
> Andrea Iannucci
> ----------------------------
> ----------------------------
> Crazy Network di Iannucci Andrea
> Viale G.B. Lulli, 24
> 00050 Cerveteri - RM
> (w) www.crazynetwork.it
> (e) andrea.iannucci@crazynetwork.**it <andrea.iannu...@crazynetwork.it>
> (t) +39 06 62279876
> (f) +39 06 62298767
> (m) +39 338 8552885
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