
kannel can handle this but you should not set max-pending-submits to high 
because it can finish in double delivery
if connection interrupt in the middle.


Am 05.08.2013 um 11:32 schrieb [Digital^Dude] ® <millennium....@gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> look at max-pending-submits.
> Assuming the operator delivers sms without problems with delay of 
> submit_sm_resp, I was just wondering how kannel would behave if 
> max-pending-submits is more than 200...
> Alex
> Am 01.08.2013 um 20:02 schrieb [Digital^Dude] ® <millennium....@gmail.com>:
>> Hello,
>> I happened to take a tcpdump of my kannel smpp connection with a telco. 
>> Every submit_sm was followed by a submit_sm_resp. It seemed like kannel 
>> operating in synchronous mode.... I fear that the outbound throughput is 
>> adversely affected by the submit_sm waiting for a submit_sm_resp and not 
>> immediately sending a burst of submit_sm at once.
>> Any hints how I can forcefully make it go async?
>> --
>> Thanks.

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