Try using "type = nulterminated" instead of "type = octetstring"

On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 3:05 PM, Alejandro Woywood <> wrote:

> Hi, can you please help me?
> I'm trying to send SMS with TLV through the operator Claro Chile, but I
> keep receiving this error: NACK/0x00000410/Vendor-specific error...
> 410 means the charging data is wrong (according to their manual).
> This is my configuration in Kannel for TLV:
> group=smpp-tlv
> name=MAS_APP_ID
> tag=0x1401
> type=octetstring
> length=2
> group=smpp-tlv
> name=MAS_SVC_ID
> tag=0x1402
> type=octetstring
> length=2
> group=smpp-tlv
> name=MAS_CONT_ID
> tag=0x1403
> type=octetstring
> length=2
> group=smpp-tlv
> tag=0x1404
> type=octetstring
> length=2
> This is how I try to send SMS:
> curl "
> http://localhost:13013/cgi-bin/sendsms?user=xxxxxx&pass=yyyyy&to=56976808016&text=test_TLV&meta-data=%3Fsmpp%3FMAS_APP_ID%3D6%26MAS_SVC_ID%3D189%26MAS_CONT_ID%3D1%26MAS_CONT_DESC%3DTrivia&dlr-mask=31
> "
> And this is the log lines from /var/log/kannel/access_core.log
> 2014-02-27 16:56:34 FAILED Send SMS [SMSC:send_clarochile] [SVC:amn5000]
> [ACT:] [BINF:] [FID:]
> [from:5000] [to:56976808016] [flags:-1:0:-1:-1:31] [msg:8:test_TLV] [udh:0:]
> 2014-02-27 16:56:34 Receive DLR [SMSC:send_clarochile] [SVC:amn5000]
> [ACT:] [BINF:] [FID:] [META:] [from:5000] [to:56976808016]
> [flags:-1:-1:-1:-1:16] [msg:73:NACK/0x00000410/Vendor-specific error,
> please refer to your SMPP provider] [udh:0:]
>  Any ideas? I've tried a lot of combinations for the configuration and the
> parameters values, with no success. THANKS a lot in advance!
> Saludos,
> Alejandro.
> La Concepcion 266, ofic. 301
> Providencia 7500014
> Santiago - Chile

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