dear all,

i've got trouble with kannel truncating message down to only 70 char.

### log from smsc ###
2014-11-21 19:22:33 [31584] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]:
TP-Validity-Period: 24.0 hours
2014-11-21 19:22:33 [31584] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: --> AT+CMGS=154^M
2014-11-21 19:22:33 [31584] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: <--
2014-11-21 19:22:33 [31584] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: <-- >
2014-11-21 19:22:33 [31584] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: send command status: 1
2014-11-21 19:22:33 [31584] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: -->
2014-11-21 19:22:33 [31584] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: --> ^Z
2014-11-21 19:22:36 [31584] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: <-- +CMGS: 126
2014-11-21 19:22:36 [31584] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: <-- OK
2014-11-21 19:22:36 [31584] [6] DEBUG: AT2[wavecom]: send command status: 0
2014-11-21 19:22:36 [31584] [6] DEBUG: DLR[internal]: Adding DLR
smsc=wavecom, ts=126, src=000, dst=08112515731, mask=31, boxc=
2014-11-21 19:22:36 [31584] [6] DEBUG: SMSC[wavecom]: creating DLR message
2014-11-21 19:22:36 [31584] [6] DEBUG: SMSC[wavecom]: DLR =
### end ###

from this log we know that kannel trying to send 154 byte of data, but
only 126 byte that recognized by modem, which is wavecom by the way. i
tough it was wavecom fault. but when i try to decode the PDU data
using this online tool it indeed
only recognized 70 char too. so, whats wrong?

this is the message i try to send:
### log from smsbox ###
2014-11-21 19:22:31 [31633] [2] DEBUG: HTTP: Creating HTTPClient for
2014-11-21 19:22:31 [31633] [2] DEBUG: HTTP: Created HTTPClient area
2014-11-21 19:22:31 [31633] [3] INFO: smsbox: Got HTTP request
</cgi-bin/sendsms> from <>
2014-11-21 19:22:31 [31633] [3] INFO: sendsms used by <playsms>
2014-11-21 19:22:31 [31633] [3] INFO: sendsms sender:<playsms:000>
( to:<08112515731>
2014-11-21 19:22:31 [31633] [3] DEBUG: Stored UUID
2014-11-21 19:22:31 [31633] [3] DEBUG: message length 280, sending 1 messages
2014-11-21 19:22:31 [31633] [3] DEBUG: Status: 202 Answer: <Sent.>
2014-11-21 19:22:31 [31633] [3] DEBUG: Delayed reply - wait for bearerbox
2014-11-21 19:22:31 [31633] [0] DEBUG: Got ACK (0) of
2014-11-21 19:22:31 [31633] [0] DEBUG: HTTP: Destroying HTTPClient
area 0x7f8c94000a90.
2014-11-21 19:22:31 [31633] [0] DEBUG: HTTP: Destroying HTTPClient for
### end ###

yes, it just a number. i just trying to count out how much char that
actually arrived to my cellphone.

this is my kannel.conf
# Default kannel configuration file
group = core
admin-port = 13000
admin-password = playsms
status-password = playsms
admin-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
admin-allow-ip = ";192.168.*.*"
#smsbox-port = 13001
#wapbox-port = 13002
box-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
box-allow-ip = ";192.168.*.*"
wdp-interface-name = "*"
log-file = "/var/log/kannel/bearerbox.log"
log-level = 0
access-log = "/var/log/kannel/access.log"
smsbox-port = 13001
store-type = file
store-location = "/var/log/kannel/"
sms-resend-retry = 4

group = smsc
smsc = at
connect-allow-ip =;192.168.*.*
port = 13013
host = "localhost"
smsc-id = wavecom
modemtype = wavecom
device = /dev/ttyUSB7
speed = 115200
alt-dcs = 1
log-file = "/var/log/kannel/smsc.log"
log-level = 0
#sms-center = "+32486000005"
#my-number = "+324XXXXXXXX"

group = modems
id = wavecom
name = wavecom
detect-string = "wavecom"
init-string = "AT+CNMI=2,1,0,1,1;+CMEE=1"
keepalive-cmd = "AT+CBC;+CSQ"

group = smsbox
bearerbox-host =
bearerbox-port = 13001
sendsms-port = 13131
sendsms-chars = "0123456789+ "
global-sender = 0811
log-file = "/var/log/kannel/smsbox.log"
log-level = 0
access-log = "/var/log/kannel/access.log"

group = sendsms-user
username = playsms
password = playsms
user-allow-ip = "*.*.*.*"
split-chars = "#"

group = sms-service
keyword = default
accept-x-kannel-headers = true
#accepted-smsc = Huawei
#accepted-smsc = at2
max-messages = 0
assume-plain-text = true
catch-all = true
get-url = 
### end ###

hope anyone can point out whats wrong :|

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