

Thanks a lot for you answer!


I understand that you describing use of extra “leg” with sending type smsc = 
http, system-type = generic, looping it back to the same Kannel instance but 
other smsc with smsc = http, system-type = kannel.

It looks like it will work even not using special params, just to build n url 
which nit include system type at all.


However, is it possible to manage system_type field without extra SMSCs 
configured and this looping? I got sm_deliver on one SMPP connection, it 
handled by Kannel routing and goes to proper SMPP connection with sm_submit.

The problem is I have system_type=”CMT” on incoming and it kept over all the 
chain. I need only to set it to other predefined value or drop to defaults. Is 
it possible without the loop over HTTP?






From: Alexander Malysh <malys...@gmail.com> On Behalf Of Alexander Malysh
Sent: Tuesday, November 2, 2021 2:16 PM
To: users@kannel.org; ale...@pavlyuts.ru
Subject: Re: Is it possible to enforce service_type on SMPP connection?



Kannel uses binfo from message as service_type in submit_sm or configured 
service_type from SMSC group.
Therefore you just have to not set binfo filed in message and kannel will use 
configured service_type.



Alexander Malysh

Am 1. Nov. 2021, 13:44 +0100 schrieb ale...@pavlyuts.ru 
<mailto:ale...@pavlyuts.ru> :

Dear friends,


I need and advice from a Kannel guru and thanks in advance for any help:


The problem: I was happy using Kannel too bridge two SMSC by SMPP 3.4, running 
Kannel as ESME for both. Everything was fine before I need to connect third 
one, and I got an issue:


1.      One of my old connected SMSC set service_type to “CMT” and it is 
hardcoded, mean I can’t change this behavior.
2.      The new SMSC only accepts when service_type is set to default “” (empty 
string) or hardcoded non-standard value “sms”. Any other value made it fail to 
accept the message and not even answer to submit_sm.


Therefore, I got one-way SMS path: it delivers from new to old, looks like old 
don’t care about service type at all. But it fails from old to new as the new 
sends service_type=”CMT”, which can’t be accepted by new one.


Then, I found “service-type” configuration variable which seems to set exact 
service type for SMPP connection. However, after some tests, I found it works 
as below:

1.      If routed message has service_type=”” (default) it be set per 
“service-type” variable value. No matter is it comes from SMSbox or routed from 
other SMPP.
2.      If incoming service_type has any non-empty value, it will be left 
intact and forwarded whatever I place to service-type variable. It neither set 
it to default nor any other value, just left intact.


So, my question is: is it possible to configure Kannel to enforce service_type 
field on an outgoing SMTP message, overriding any other value?


For my experience it looks like the answer is “no”, but may behavior also 
controlled by some other options and I do not know how to set it right way.


Also, it looks like I can use one more “leg” to forward it by http/kanel 
connection (two kannel instances?). Then service_type be taken from variable 
and it might work. But I prefer configure one instance if possible.


Extra info: Kannel 1.4.5 on Centos 7, very trivial config with 3 SMSC and only 
regex mask for each. Think, no use to attach it here.


Thank you in advance for your attention and help!





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