Very probably a naive question....

My Service Group is N-Way active and contains 2 SUs both containing a single
component with X_ACTIVE_AND_Y_STANDBY capability.

When I start OpenSAF on the first payload the component receives a CSI
Assignment with HA State = ACTIVE.
When I start OpenSAF on the second payload the component registers ok but
then does not receive any assignment at all, hence no HA state assignment.

For the component I have:


For the SG I have:

              <SU       SUName="safSu=my_su1,safNode=PL_2_3" rank="1"/>
              <SU       SUName="safSu=my_su1,safNode=PL_2_4" rank="2"/>

Why does the SU on the second payload not receive any workload and HA state?



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