
Thanks. See below ... 

> Hash: SHA1
> Updated.
> As I learn or some one tells me more, I'll keep refining the graph.
> Should I break AvSv into AMF,CLM & AMSv ?

Instead of breaking it up, it would be good to mention what is AvSv by
showing  AvSv = SAF AMF + SAF CLM + AvM. (in braces). Also it might be
nice to mention that GLSv is SAF LCK, MQSv is SAF MSG, EDSv is SAF EVT &

Some more corrections to the graph.

1. MDS & MDSv is one and the same. They shouldn't be separate and every
service depends on MDSv/MDS. 
2. There should be an arrow from AvSv to EDSv.
3. There should be an arrow from HISv to EDSv.
4. HPI & TIPC should have a different color to show that they aren't
OpenSAF services per se and a legend showing what the colors mean.
5. There should be an arrow from MASv to PSSv (this is my mistake to not
have included in the data sheet of dependencies)


> - -Nigel
> Saha Sayandeb-G19428 wrote:
> | Nigel,
> |
> | Thanks for producing the graph. I can read it. I think 
> you're missing 
> | one arrow from AvSv to SRMSv. Once you get all the dependencies we 
> | could probably layer it better with straighter arrows and 
> put it up on 
> | Devel website.
> |
> | Sayan
> |
> |> -----Original Message-----
> |> From: Nigel Croxon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> |> Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2008 10:12 AM
> |> To: Sekhar Reddy Ravi-G20226
> |> Cc: Saha Sayandeb-G19428; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 
> |>
> |> Subject: Re: [Users] Dependency data for OpenSAF Services
> |>
> | and now to that graph...
> |
> |
> | (let me know if you can't read it)
> |
> | -Nigel
> |
> |
> |
> | Sekhar Reddy Ravi-G20226 wrote:
> | | Sayan,
> | |
> | | Some corrections regarding dependency of GLSv
> | |
> | |  1) GLSv does not depend on CPSv for check pointing it uses flat 
> | | shared memory directly(Earlier GLSv used to use CPSv, but
> | |     later on we removed the dependency on CPSv)
> | |  2) GLSv also depends on MASv
> | |
> | | The correct dependency is as follows GLSv or the SAF Lock Service 
> | | depends on:
> | |         - LEAP
> | |         - MDS
> | |         - DTSv
> | |         - AvSv
> | |         - MBCSv (for director redundancy)
> | |         - MASv
> | |
> | | Thanks,
> | | Ravi
> | |
> | | -----Original Message-----
> | | From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> | | [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Saha
> | | Sayandeb-G19428
> | | Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2008 12:44 AM
> | | Subject: [Users] Dependency data for OpenSAF Services
> | |
> | | All,
> | |
> | | Here is a description of the dependencies amongst the
> | OpenSAF Services
> | | which I think is useful for developers and users of the
> | project. Note
> | | some of these dependencies are bi-directional. (I am sure
> | somebody can
> | | turn this list into an exciting graph).
> | |
> | | 1. AvSv or the Availability Service which consists of SAF 
> AMF + SAF 
> | | CLM
> | | + OpenSAF Availability Manager depends on:
> | |         - LEAP (OS Abstraction Layer )
> | |         - Message Distribution Service or MDS
> | |         - Distributed Tracing Service or DTSv
> | |         - System Resource Monitoring Service or SRMSv
> | |         - Event Distribution Service or EDSv
> | |         - HPI Integration Service or HISv
> | |         - Management Access Service or MASv
> | |         - Persistence Store Service or PSSv
> | |         - Message Based Checkpointing Service or MBCSv
> | |
> | | 2. CPSv or the SAF Checkpoint Service depends on:
> | |         - LEAP
> | |         - MDS
> | |         - DTSv
> | |         - AvSv (Specifically AMF & CLM)
> | |         - MBCSv
> | |         - MASv
> | |
> | | 3. EDSv or the SAF Event Distribution Service depends on:
> | |         - LEAP
> | |         - MDS
> | |         - DTSv
> | |         - AvSv (AMF)
> | |         - MBCSv
> | |         - MASv
> | |
> | | 4. GLSv or the SAF Lock Service depends on:
> | |         - LEAP
> | |         - MDS
> | |         - DTSv
> | |         - AvSv
> | |         - MBCSv (for director redundancy)
> | |         - the SAF Checkpoint Service or the CPSv (for 
> node-director
> | | redundancy)
> | |
> | | 5. MQSv or the SAF Message Service depends on:
> | |         - LEAP
> | |         - MDS
> | |         - DTSv
> | |         - AvSv (Specifically AMF & CLM)
> | |         - MBCSv
> | |         - MASv
> | |
> | | 6.  HISv or Hardware Integration Service depends on:
> | |         - LEAP
> | |         - MDS
> | |         - DTSv
> | |         - EDSv
> | |         - HPI (but this is a pre-requisite as far as OpenSAF is
> | | concerned)
> | |
> | | 7. Message Based Checkpointing Service or MBCSv
> | |         - LEAP
> | |         - MDS
> | |         - DTSv
> | |
> | | 8. Interface Service or IFSv depends on:
> | |         - LEAP
> | |         - MDS
> | |         - DTSv
> | |         - AvSv
> | |         - MBCSv (for director redundancy)
> | |         - the SAF Checkpoint Service or the CPSv (for 
> node-director
> | | redundancy)
> | |         - MASv
> | |
> | | 9.  Management Access Service or MASv depends on:
> | |         - LEAP
> | |         - MDS
> | |         - DTSv
> | |         - AvSv
> | |         - MBCSv
> | |
> | | 10. Persistent Store Service or PSSv depends on:
> | |         - LEAP
> | |         - MDS
> | |         - DTSv
> | |
> | | 11. System Resource Monitoring Service or SRMSv depends on:
> | |         - LEAP
> | |         - MDS
> | |         - DTSv
> | |         - AvSv
> | |
> | | 12. Distributed Trace Service or DTSv depends on:
> | |         - LEAP
> | |         - MDS
> | |         - DTSv
> | |         - AvSv
> | |         - MBCSv
> | |         - MASv
> | |
> | | 13. Message Distribution Service depends on:
> | |         - LEAP
> | |         - Transport Layer, which today is TIPC.
> | |
> | | Thanks
> | | Sayan
> | |
> | |
> | 
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