William Case wrote:
> I write this last response to this thread as a defence of my actions and
> as a warning to others.
> On the Places menu it says 'Network' and the tool tip says "Browse
> bookmarked and local network options".  When I click on it, it gives me
> neither my bookmarked sftp remote machines nor my local network, but
> instead shows me a network I do not have.  Nowhere can I find a
> reference that this icon is for existing or potentially new Microsoft
> Networks or even samba.  I genuinely expected it to show me my existing
> Linux LAN with perhaps some properties of that network such as addresses
> or aliases of the connected remote machines and another means of
> connecting to a remote machine similar to the 'Connect to Server'
> launcher just below it.
> Since I had been working (albeit just started) to set up vnc I thought
> perhaps there was an error.  Before I started screwing around, 6 days
> ago I posted to this list asking/saying "Can't get rid of WindowsXP
> network on Fedora !?!" and received no response.  So I went ahead seeing
> what I could do about it.
> I am quite willing to leave it alone, if that is your advice.  As I said
> it just started out being a minor irritant.  Now I have to figure out
> how to get /var/lib/samba back.  I suppose I should remove all remnants
> of samba then re-install them if I can.
The "Windows Network" icon is what it is.  The stub entry to all
networks based on the MS Windows NETBIOS Name Service. 

But, in reading what you say above I must say I would remain confused. 
To me, when you say "Can't get rid of WindowsXP network on Fedora" I
think you are saying....  I start nautilus, go to
Places-->Network-->Windows Network" and I see a Windows XP
workgroup/domain that used to exist but no longer does.

FWIW, I try my best *not* to give advice.  :-)   All I would say
is....if you want to get rid of that stub entry then remove the gvfs-smb
package.  The downside to doing this is months/years from now you may
put a (guest's) windows box on the network and start asking on this list
why you can't find the windows shares in nautilus.  :-)

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