On Sun, 24 Jan 2010 01:06:58 -0500
Tom Horsley <tom.hors...@att.net> wrote:

> Nope :-).
> Lots of 3rd party software has release notes that say things
> like "you have to be running xorg 7.1 or greater", but that
> article provides zero clues how to ask if I'm doing that.

Ask the 3rd party to clarify what they mean?

> It implies that maybe I could check the versions of all the
> individual modules to see if they are all >= the collection
> released with xorg 7.whatever, but the release notes for
> the most recent 7.5 for example don't seem to document
> the individual module versions anywhere, so I still have no
> idea how to tell :-(.

Yeah, thats why any 3rd party that says that is unclear... 
ask them what the real requirement is? Is it a x server version?
Development packages? what?


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