On 28/01/10 08:24, Prabhakar Pandey wrote:
> i have recently installed fedora-8 together with windows vista.
> i hav some problems in fedora .
> 1. my time is not showing correctly in fedora as i try to change it the
> time in vista is changed.
> 2. Software Updater isn't working correctly . as i try to use it it
> hangs and i am unbale to do anything .
> 3. how do i install movie player and other media players in fedora .
> 4. how can i configure yum in fedora -8.
> thanks
> Prabhakar Pandey

Fedora 8 is no longer supported,
to be secure, it would be better upgrade to Fedora 12 (the latest stable 


Frank Murphy
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