Bryn M. Reeves wrote:
> On Thu, 2010-01-28 at 10:07 -0500, Bill Davidsen wrote:
>> Ed Greshko wrote:
>>> The OP has some external encrypted disks that are not critical to system
>>> operation.  Other functions of the system are critical.  The system is
>>> configured to reboot when power is restored after a power failure.  If
>>> the system is unattended and an encrypted disk is attached the boot
>>> process will wait for forever for the password until it proceeds.  I
>>> think you can see the issue should this happen at 3AM Saturday....
>>> The suggestion of rd_LUKS_timeout=<X seconds> would allow the boot to
>>> proceed *without* the encrypted disk being mounted.
>> Where do you find the doc for this? I tried the man page for cryptosetup, 
>> which 
>> suggests the non-existant, looked in the kernel source 
>> and 
>> kernel-parameters.txt file, googled for rd_LUKS_ and generally found nothing.
> I think it was a suggestion of something that would be good to implement
> (that came out of the discussion of the OP's problem booting) rather
> than something that's already there and ready for use. ;)
> Cheers,
> Bryn.
Yes.  That is the case.

You're currently going through a difficult transition period called "Life."

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