On Sun, 2010-01-31 at 20:30 +0800, Ed Greshko wrote:
> In my case, none of the above...

Oh, come on!
I'm using the same binary driver as you are.
And yes, nVidia binary driver, while -far- better than ATI's driver, has
had it's share of issues.
- Initial F12 xorg + nVidia driver combo resulted in unbelievably slow
performance under KDE.
- Legacy driver releases tend to lag the "current" driver badly. In a
desktop, you could always switch to the latest version, but you laptop
still carries a GF5600M, you're more or less screwed.
- Xen kernel were never supported by nVidia.
- Having to compile a kernel without 4K stacks for months, until nVidia
added support for it.

 .... Again, nVidia is doing an admirable job at keeping their drivers
stable and current (compared to say, ATI or Intel Poulsbo), but claiming
the using them do not come at a price, is ridicules, at best.

- Gilboa

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