On 01/31/2010 08:16 AM, Marko Vojinovic wrote:
> You mean as in nVidia drivers taking a week or so to adjust to new kernel
> version and reach rpmfusion? Wow, that's a bummer! So you suggest we all opt
> to use ATI drivers which don't work at all on current X for several months
> now, basically since F12 appeared? And who knows when (or if) they will
> actually start supporting modern X?
> You are saying that we should abandon closed source drivers for cards which
> work and are well supported by nVidia, and instead use closed source drivers
> which don't work and have lousy (if any) Linux support from ATI? Call me
> stupid, but I don't understand your argument.

Misrepresenting someone's position makes you look foolish to people who 
actually listened and understood what they said.

Kevin did not suggest the use of ATI's proprietary drivers; he suggested 
that such recommendations ("proprietary drivers in general") are a poor 
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