Aaron Konstam wrote:
> What I saw under F11 was icons for all the Fedora machines on the LAN
> including the one I am on and I would expect to be able to open the icon
> and login to the machine. You can do that using Places-> Connect to
> Server but then yo need to know in advance the machines name or ip
> address. Using Places->Network seems easier.
OK....  I got an F11 system up and running.  And I now see what you want.

On the F11 system I bring up "Places->Network" and indeed there are
icons labeled "f11" and "f12".  Clicking on the "f12" icon brings up a
login dialog which then results in an sftp connection.

Now.....  The reason you see this on F11 and not F12 is that F11 is
sending out MDNS query broadcasts and F12 is responding.   *However*,
F12 is not sending out MDNS queries.  I thought this was due to the file
/etc/sysconfig/network contained "NOZEROCONF=yes" but changing it to
"no" has had not effect.

So, need to figure out how to get F12 to send MDNS queries.....

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