On 02/06/2010 06:51 PM, Brian Mury wrote:
> On Sat, 2010-02-06 at 16:02 +0000, Terry Barnaby wrote:
>> I have machines with: ATI RV280, ATI RV535, ATI X300, Intel 945G and some
>> others. All of these have issues with F12, mainly with 3D but both the
>> ATI RV280 and ATI X300 cause occasional system lockup's requiring a
>> reboot in 2D and also kernel panics.
> Terry, are you using UMS or KMS? I have stability issues with UMS. KMS
> seems much better stability wise (performance wise is the other way
> around).
Most of the systems I'm using UMS as otherwise 3D doesn't work or there
are some other problems. I think one of them is running KMS as that works
a bit better on that system with what I or the other users do. It's all a
bit hit and miss as to what applications works best with what settings.

>> There are also graphics artefacts occasionally.
> I'm curious what type of artifacts you see, and when/where you see them.
> I get artifacts only in Google Earth (running it with software rendering
> solves it, but is much too slow to use). Card is rv280.
> Brian
On the ATI X300 system sometimes text is written in blue rather than
black. Some square areas when repainted seem to have a horizontal
tearing as if a bit-blt had the wrong xstep value. One of the others
seems to not repaint square areas occasionally. 3D rendering is variable
especially on the performance side.

In general, as far as I am concerned, although ATI graphics works to a
degree its all a bit shaky and quite dependent of the specific chipset,
card and applications you use.

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