Jim wrote:
> I have installed NX-x86_64 and library files are in /usr/NX/lib and 
> x86_64 can't find them there, i have linked a few of them from 
> /usr/lib64/ but there are many more
> in /usr/NX/lib that are probably not being seen.
> How do I get all those library file in /usr/NX/lib to be in PATH so they 
> can be read as they are needed.
> I can't get NX to work between client and Server and I'm not getting any 
> error messages .
> The three rpms I installed are X86_64.rpm .
Are you sure about what you are saying?

I don't have a 64bit system.  But, when you say "NX" do you really mean
"nx" as in nx-3.3.0-38.fc12.x86_64.rpm or whatever updated version there is?

Also, the file list for this rpm shows quite different paths than you



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