On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 12:41 PM, Marko Vojinovic <vvma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So what are the reasons for its absence from the mainline kernel then? If it
> works better than the current mechanisms and is open source, why does it take
> years to get it into mainline? Is there some showstopper/disadvantage/problem?

I don't actually know, but I would expect that simple intertia is the problem.

To get something into the kernel means that the core kernel developers
have to deal with it.

I know from my own experience, that if I were in the middle of a big
coding project, and my eggs were served sunny side up at breakfast
rather than over easy, then my head would surely explode.

I expect that the kernel.org developers all face much the same kind of problem.

There have been many, many deserving projects that were externally
developed for *years* before being adopted into the kernel.org kernel,
if they were adopted at all.

Don Quixote
Don Quixote de la Mancha

   Dulcinea Technologies Corporation: Software of Elegance and Beauty.
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