Am 25.02.2010 17:34, schrieb John Aldrich:
> On Thursday 25 February 2010, Julian Aloofi wrote:
>> The problem is that the KDE SIG simply doesn't have enough manpower to
>> do that. They package KDE the way upstream releases it, in the big kde*
>> subpackages. Other distros have subpackages for KDE apps, but that's
>> simply not possible for the KDE SIG.
>> Of course I am not a member of the KDE SIG so I can only tell you what I
>> heard and read in other replies to similar subjects. It has been
>> discussed on a list sometimes if I remember correctly.
> Hmm... what list would I need to post this rant to in order to catch the 
> attention of someone who might be able to do something about the way this 
> is all packaged?

The KDE SIG has their own list at

They also have an IRC channel, #fedora-kde.
However, I think if they had the manpower to split the packages up,
they'd have done that, so the best way to get the packages split up
would probably be to offer your help on that. :)

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