Ah yes, but it's a bitc^H^H^H^H bit difficult to control/find your desired content, and I don't think it will scale to a tiny "always on top" window in the corner of your desktop so you can work while watching, similar to the popout feature. Buckets full of FAIL, IMHO.

Chris Kloiber

On 03/02/2010 12:25 AM, Michael Cronenworth wrote:
On 03/01/2010 11:15 PM, Patrick Bartek wrote:
Thanks for the link.  Read numerous posts and replies.  Several people said by 
wrapping the 32-bit flash plugin on their 64-bit systems/browsers, they got 
Hulu to work.  However, I never was happy with the performance of the wrapped 
flash plugin.  It was worse than the 64-bit Alpha.  Maybe, I'll just install 
32-bit Firefox and use it for those times I need it now that I know the problem 
is not exclusively a 64-bit OS problem.  I already have a few 32-bit apps on my 
system.  So, another one isn't going to bother me.  (I'm not a 64-bit only 

Just use huludesktop. It will work fine with the 64-bit plugin. They
provide a 64-bit RPM on hulu.com.

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