this wont help you , but for scope...

i have fc12 on my netbook. it initially came with the chipset you have now.

i swapped it out for an Intel wireless card and my wireless connects are fine out of the FC box.

i found the rt2860 support very flaky over the xandros/moblin os's so that is why i swapped it out.

my only gripe is i lost my 11n support from moblin... :(

On 03/15/2010 02:22 PM, Kevin Martin wrote:
I've installed a wireless nic that is rt2860 based.  I've downloaded,
compiled, and installed the latest rt2860koa "driver" on my Fedora 12
x64 machine.  It loads (lsmod shows it), lspci shows that the RealTek
nic is using the driver, but I can't get it to connect to my wireless
AP.  I can set the ssid but wpa_supplicant never connects (trying this
at the command line with "wpa_supplicant -ira0 -Dwext -dd -K -c
/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf" ).  I notice that there's a
wpa_supplicant running as a daemon but every time I kill it it respawns
(I assume dbus is doing this but I can't figure out how to stop dbus
from doing this).  I don't know if that's part of the problem or not.
This is *very* annoying as the d*mn card works find under Windows 7 (of
course) but not under F12.

What I've done is:

iwconfig ra0 essid "sidname"
wpa_supplicant -ira0 -Dwext -dd -K -c
dhclient ra0

I've tried configuring the wpa_supplicant.conf file with the psk in
cleartext and hex and the same goes for the
/etc/Wireless/RT2860STA/RT2860STA.dat file.

*Once*, just *once*, I had this actually connected but have no idea how
it did it.

FWIW, the kernel is the version.

Any help, thoughts, or prayers appreciated.


Jack Craig
Software Engineer
831.461.7100 x120

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