On Monday 29 March 2010 02:14 PM, Marko Vojinovic wrote:
> On Monday 29 March 2010 21:11:21 Suvayu Ali wrote:
>> On Monday 29 March 2010 12:48 PM, Marko Vojinovic wrote:
>>> Third, it seems that you are running 64bit arch, which might present
>>> itself as a tad little problem, since the .dll file is 32bit and will
>>> not work in your environment. What you need to do is to
>> I think this is unnecesary. to run 32 bit codecs on a 64 bit machine
>> putiing them in /usr/lib/codecs should be enough. Similarly the 64 bit
>> codecs go into /usr/lib64/codecs
>>> $ ls /usr/lib/codecs/ |grep -cE 'dll|so'
>>> 82
>>> $ ls /usr/lib64/codecs/ |grep -cE 'dll|so'
>>> 3
> Well, as you can see, the list of codecs in the two directories is hardly
> equivalent. AFAIK, in general 32bit plugins don't usually interoperate well
> with 64bit apps (think firefox, nspluginwrapper, flash-plugin, etc.). As for
> mplayer, I remember that this didn't work before and was generally considered
> unfixable, so I guess today is still the same.
> But theory aside, I did an experiment --- downloaded one of the sample files
> from http://www.on2.com/index.php?617 , played no problem using mplayer.i686,
> while getting exactly the same error as the OP using mplayer.x86_64. In both
> cases all relevant codec files are in both /usr/lib/codecs/ and
> /usr/lib64/codecs/.
> I would really like to know about your setup if you are able to play any of
> those files using 64bit mplayer.

Right now I only have console access to my home machine. I 'll 
experiment when I'm back home this evening and report back.

> Best, :-)
> Marko


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