We are using FDS 1.2.0 and we are making samba integration with LDAP. There are two FDS servers, one (serverA) is configured as single master and the other (serverB) as a dedicated consumer. We're using the option "ldap passwd sync=yes" and pointing the ldapsam to serverB. When we changed the password of a user (in a Windows machine), his "userpassword" ldap attribute has changed in serverB(the dedicated consumer) instead of return referral to serverA (the master). The most strange is that the access log doesn't show nothing, even the correct error code 10 (referral). We've checked the suffix configuration in the serverB and the "update on referral" was selected. It seems to us that SAMBA found a way to ignore the "update on referral" and made the modifications on the consumer. Anybody has experiencied such behaviour?

Steps to reproduce the behaviour
- Configure two LDAP servers (one as single master and the other as dedicated consumer).
- Configure replication between the two servers above.
- Install SAMBA (we are using version 3.3.2 or 3.4.7).
- Configure smb.conf with the following parameters:
   -- the ldapbackend pointing to the dedicated consumer server.
   -- ldap passwd sync=Only.
   -- ldap ssl = start tls (it's necessary).

Thanks in advance,
SIEDN - Diretorio Livre

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