On 04/13/2010 08:46 AM, david walcroft wrote:
> On 04/13/2010 01:42 PM, Matt Domsch wrote:
>> On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 12:37:29PM +1000, david walcroft wrote:
>>> On 04/13/2010 04:21 AM, Matt Domsch wrote:
>>>> On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 09:41:08AM +1000, david walcroft wrote:
>>> I still get errors.
>>> updates
>>>                                                                   | 4.4 kB
>>>        00:00
>>> http://ga14.files.bigpond.com:4040/fedora/linux/updates/12/i386/repodata/repomd.xml:
>>> [Errno -1] repomd.xml does not match metalink for updates
>>> Trying other mirror.
>> Thank you for including the http URL above.  That helps a lot.
>> That mirror is in fact not up-to-date.
>> The metalink reports this as the expected repodata.xml hash:
>>     <hash 
>> type="sha256">9950061445b5cfd8715be2e6ce4b0648f5e219984efd7a36c2391b7ec5c58b7f</hash>
>> which corresponds to repomd.xml revision:
>>     <revision>1271084436</revision>
>> while the bigpond URL still has this older revision:
>>    <revision>1270856692</revision>
>> Now, I admit, there is a bug in MirrorManager which I fixed on Friday
>> but haven't pushed into production yet.  In this case, your selected
>> mirror is believed to be up-to-date by MirrorManager, but because the
>> content changed in the last few hours but hasn't yet propogated to
>> this mirror, yum will refuse to use it, knowing that there is a newer
>> version of metadata available.  The bug is that MM should account for
>> the propogation delay a little better than it does right now, and
>> allow still fairly recent metadata, even though it's not completely
>> current, to still be used.
>> I plan to get MM fixed in production this week yet, after the beta is
>> out.
>> Thanks,
>> Matt
> Does this mean I cannot download anything until my mirrors update or if
> not how would I update MirrorManager


MirrorManager is a piece of SW Fedora/RedHat utilizes to provide yum 
with the lists of mirrors to yum.

I.e., "MirrorManager not working correctly", in this case means yum on a 
users's system receives incorrect data.

On the user side, one way to work around the effects of this defect is 
to remove the metadata files your yum caches.

E.g. by using "yum clean <...>"
or by brute force:
# rm -f /var/cache/yum/updates/{*xml*,*sql*,*cookie}
and to rerun "yum update".

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