
I'm using the LDAP for auth users at FTP service. Want to create
configuration for users where everyone who connect need to be at LDAP
but can use any password (for developers who doesn't want left own
password at code). Thats make in PAM and it's working. Problem is when
I try auto create homedir's for FTP in different location then LDAP
homeDirectory. For example:

user: user1
password: any_password_he_likes
homeDirectory: /home/user1

Now I want when user connect use directory '/somedir/ftp/user1' (not
/home/user1) and autocreate it if doesn't exist.

Proftpd got native LDAP support for connection and there is option
'LDAPForceGeneratedHomedir' and 'LDAPGenerateHomedirPrefix' but it's
likely impossible to allow connect user without password check (any
password is correct).

My pam configuration for proftpd/vsftpd:

# cat /etc/pam.d/proftpd
auth            required        pam_env.so
auth            sufficient      pam_shells.so
auth            required        pam_stack.so service=system-auth
account         required        pam_stack.so service=system-auth
session         required        pam_env.so
session         required        pam_stack.so service=system-auth

I try pam_env with:

# tail /etc/security/pam_env.conf
# silly examples of escaped variables, just to show how they work.
#DOLLAR         DEFAULT=\$
#ATSIGN         DEFAULT=""      OVERRIDE=\@

HOME           DEFAULT="/d0/ftp/@{PAM_USER}" OVERRIDE="/d0/ftp/@{PAM_USER}"
homeDirectory  DEFAULT="/d0/ftp/@{PAM_USER}" OVERRIDE="/d0/ftp/@{PAM_USER}"

But didn't override HOME.

Łukasz Jagiełło
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