Jonathan Underwood wrote:

>> Am I alone in thinking that preupgrade was a nice idea
>> which has never worked perfectly, and which should be quietly dropped?
> preupgrade is actively maintained and developed by some of the
> smartest contributors to Fedora, so I am certain that if you file bug
> reports about how it's not worked for you they will get fixed.

I did actually file a bug about preupgrade over 18 months ago,
about the time taken by preupgrade (upgrading to or from Fedora-9),
and I'm still getting contributions to the bugzilla discussion,
so I assume the problem still concerns people.

I gave up using preupgrade about a year ago;
I would say that it succeeded on about 60% of the machines I tried it on.

Actually, I decided at that time that since disks have got so large,
it is much simpler to use two partitions, one for the old system
and one for a new installation of the new system.
I find having both systems on the machine is very good
when it comes to sorting out minor problems.

> Personally, I have used preupgrade to take four machines from F12 to
> F13, and it's worked absolutely flawlessly. So, I don't think it
> should be quietly dropped.

Maybe it has got much better?

Timothy Murphy  
e-mail: gayleard /at/
tel: +353-86-2336090, +353-1-2842366
s-mail: School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland

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